Saturday, December 31, 2011

Love Locks - Photography

Ah, love. It's a wonderful thing, love. Yes, it is. And these locks here show some of the love have exists between some people in this world. It is a strong emotion and one we will always long for, because, as it is the opposite of hate, it is much sweeter and it brings peace to the heart. Love is the thing that ties people today - an emotion that brings together compassion, joy and fulfillment. It is also very strange, in some ways... can't justify why.

NOTE: These are COPYRIGHT pictures. Please ask if you would like to save a copy. It would be greatly appreciated.

Before One - Photography

These photos are of my uncle's daughter. I took them while I was overseas in 2010. It was perfect timing and I honestly have no idea how I managed to get them perfectly. She was about 9 months or so and sadly we had to leave before her birthday which was in March the following year. She couldn't walk yet, but when she crawled, boy you had to run after her! Look at that chubby little cute face! Ahhh!

NOTE: These are COPYRIGHT pictures. Please ask if you would like to save a copy. It would be greatly appreciated.

Snowman Love - Photography

Took this photo while I was overseas in 2010. For the FIRST time I saw a REAL snowman (real as in, made of snow and I could touch it... not seeing it on the TV or movies). It was awesome! And big too! It was a great experience and so much fun. Rolling the snow into a snowball was pretty tough, though!

NOTE: This is a COPYRIGHT picture. Please ask if you would like to save a copy. It would be greatly appreciated.

Friday, December 30, 2011

War Horse - Movie/Film

Went to watch this the other day. Handsome men in uniform, gorgeous cinematography, beautiful soundtrack and nodding like a boss every time something was mentioned that was learnt in studying World War One.

Dead Fish - Photography

I almost puked when I saw this in action! Poor thing it was still moving (however, according to the fishermen it was dead. It was the muscles that were reacting not the 'alive' fish). That made me feel a little better. But look at this photo! I mean, how detailed can it get? Everything is just flowing out of the fish... sigh. But it was yummy in the end! Wouldn't trade it for anything else!

NOTE: This is a COPYRIGHT picture. Please ask if you would like to save a copy. It would be greatly appreciated.

The City - Photography

I think I took this photo while I was at the Sculpture by the Sea Exhibition a few years back... or maybe not. Not really sure. I decided to edit it a bit to make it look older than it appears because I really like vintage looking things (though, I don't know if this will pass as vintage looking... I'd say more '70's?) I love the 'togetherness' of the beach houses and the colours that swim around.

NOTE: These are COPYRIGHT pictures. Please ask if you would like to save a copy. It would be greatly appreciated.

Snow White - Photography

Even the elderly like to spend their time in the cool waters of Bundeena Beach. I took this photo of my grandmother in the water, resting on a rock. I thought it'll make an amazing image and look! It's amazing! The white really reflected well and made her look like she was really enjoying herself. It looks SO relaxing!

NOTE: This is a COPYRIGHT picture. Please ask if you would like to save a copy. It would be greatly appreciated.

Help! - Photography

I was just wondering, does this ever work? What the photo contains below. It's funny how we always see it on television and it has become such an iconic symbol of survival, and surely, help. Going beach one day, I thought I'd try it out. No one came... hmm... I really do wonder.

NOTE: This is a COPYRIGHT picture. Please ask if you would like to save a copy. It would be greatly appreciated. 

Fish out of Water! - Photography

I just find this swinsuit SO cute and funny! It reminds me of a goldfish or something... not the person wearing it (I can assure you) but the suit itself! Hopefully the sharks don't bite!

NOTE: This is a COPYRIGHT picture. Please ask if you would like to save a copy. It would be greatly appreciated.

Taylor Swift 'Mine' - Video

I could watch this video clip over and over again and always get goosebumps! It's amazing! I love the story behind it, the love, the cinemetography, all of it! It's worth checking out. And if you don't like the song, you'll love the video clip, that's for sure!

I scare you! - Photography

When you're a kid, you'd want to make the most of life. She clearly is!

NOTE: These are COPYRIGHT pictures. Please ask if you would like to save a copy. It would be greatly appreciated.

Happy Days! - Photography

I remember taking this photo VERY clearly. We were at the Turkish airport waiting for 6 hours to board our plane... I know, 6 HOURS! We had nothing better to do, so I took out my camera and just quickly shot this photo. It looks absolutely HILARIOUS and full of memories too! Ah, look at that cheerful face...

NOTE: This is a COPYRIGHT picture. Please ask if you would like to save a copy. It would be greatly appreciated.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

This is Collosal

ALSO, don't forget to check out this blog page! Amzing collection of artistic works! Good for resources, too!

Florian Nicolle - Artist

Check out Florian Nicolle! Works are amazing and to-die-for! I love the techniques that are used and the whole 'messy' aspect of it. The works look amazingly realistic (some of them) and have exceptionally great detail embedded into them. Worth a check I tell you! Here's the site:

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Number 8

Good to see Number 8 in action! I took these photos of my brother while he was playing soccer - it does take effort to capture photos like these, especially if you don't have a long enough lens (which I don't). I had to wait for the perfect moment when he got cloe enough for me to capture him. Love the action that's happening! The body movements look so flexible!

NOTE: These are COPYRIGHT pictures. Please ask if you would like to save a copy. It would be greatly appreciated.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Chinese Gardens - Photography

How fantastic it was to go see the Chinese Gardens, near Darling Harbour. It was my first ever time and I enjoyed it completely! These are some of the photos I took while being there. I seriously have nothing else to say BUT... go check the place out!

NOTE: These are COPYRIGHT pictures. Please ask if you would like to save a copy. It would be greatly appreciated.

Holes - Photography

I actually took this photo a few years ago. It feels good to know that it still exists. I think it was taken at the 2009 Sculpture by the Sea Exhibition. This artwork fascinated me! Though, I can't exactly remember what it was made from and what it resembled... I know that it was in a circle shape. I manaed to take this photo through the first sphere of the circle and make it look into the second and beyond. I'll say this was my best ever photo at the time that I was learning and experimenting with photography and how to use a camera.

NOTE: These are COPYRIGHT pictures. Please ask if you would like to save a copy. It would be greatly appreciated.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Just like the '70's - Photography

It's amazing what you can find by just looking out your window... I saw this car and ran to get my camera. It SO reminded me of the 1970's (not that I was alive during that period) but I used to watch 'That '70's Show' so rather, it reminded me of that show. I absolutely loved that show... ANYWAY, it was good that it was a nice sunny morning and I had a fly-screen protection on my window which made the photo look even more 70-like. Ah, the beauty of the view your window can provide... even if it is a car!

NOTE: This is a COPYRIGHT picture. Please ask if you would like to save a copy. It would be greatly appreciated.

Barbed Wire - Photography

It was a HOT sunny afternoon and I was out watching my brother play soccer... or was I? Naturally, I had my camera with me. Because I couldn't get good shots of him playing, I started to roam around the playground, probably looking like an idiot, and taking random photos. And of all things, a barbed wire fence caught my eye (Mind you, I only just got my camera so I was still experimenting with it). It was then that I learnt the functions of the 'close-up' button... it really puts things into perspective.

NOTE: These are COPYRIGHT pictures. Please ask if you would like to save a copy. It would be greatly appreciated.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Jasmin Dwyer - Artist

Check out JASMIN DWYER! Her artwork is amazing! Enough said. Her work consists of layering and she works with watercolour, and possibly ink, from what I can see. Her work has also been published in the CURVY art magazine - a magazine containing over 40 female artists. The link is on the side bar.

This picture is featured in the latest CURVY art magazine

This particular picture I REALLY like! Those mixtures of birds on different surfaces look awesome together. It's a great inspiration to get mine up like this one day... some day...

Love this studio of hers!

If you have Facebook, you can 'like' her page by clicking on this link:

Splash! - Photography

It's amazing to be at the shore and watching the waves splash hard on the rocks! Each time it happened, I'd gasp at its magnificance. These are a series of shots I took while spending some time with family on a fishing trip. I forgot where we actually went... better look it up soon! Anyway, looking at these photos brings me a chill. Look how amazing the waves look in action!

NOTE: These are COPYRIGHT pictures. Please ask if you would like to save a copy. It would be greatly appreciated.