Sunday, January 8, 2012

Peace - Photography

This would be the first EVER photo I took with my SLR camera. And because it turned out to be a great capture, I thought: 'This camera is going to rock my world!'

Coo-Coo Clock - Photography

We've had this coo-coo clock for about 11 years now or so, and it still works! I'm thinking of selling it one day... maybe when it reaches its 20 year peak. Could possibly earn a fortune! You never know... but then again, it's been with us throughout our lives in Australia. Maybe not, then...

Kiss Kiss - Photography

My FAVOURITE picture of all time! Love it! Love it! Love it! It was the day when we went to Stanwell Park. My brother took this photo of me kissing my cute little cousin. Perfect capture! And she was cranky that day... so we were lucky that she smiled for this take!

Inscriptions - Photography

From my two weeks of going to the National Art School last year, I never noticed the detail of the trees near Hyde Park and the Anzac Memorial. It happened to be on the last day when my friend and I were passing quite close near the trees that I noticed. I was astounded! The other thing too was the fact that the trees were white! Completely white! All the trees had little 'love inscriptions' on them - it was like a personal artwork of an artist! I'm glad I spotted this...

Fallen Leaves - Photography

I never noticed this little plant (mini-tree/flower - whatever it is!) in my backyard... absolutely love it! The green colour is vibrant and brings this fresh feeling or look into the plant. Though, it is quite subject to little insects... lots of mini eggs I see... or at least I think they are eggs from insects. Hopefully not spiders or something... But what I like most, is the third photo. I thought it was a good capture. The dead leaves look amazing crumpled and brown - great juxtaposition against the bright green of the plant! (Seems weird calling it a 'plant'... I really have to find out what it is!)