Monday, January 30, 2012

Pretty Clover - Photography

Who knew pretty things like these clovers existed in my backyard? What a find! The thing that I think makes these photos look really awesome would be the dew drops from the rain that poured just before I took these photos. It reminds me of some nice fantasy mystical world... and seems to have this mysterious feel about it. The pink tints on the clovers make everything even more fascinating. Do such things exist? Because, I swear, it's the first time I ever saw a pink tinted clover!

Perspective - Photography

Feels so good when your camera can do little magic tricks like putting things into perspective! I love how this really stands out from the background - I have no idea how I managed to make it all blurry... must have pressed some button. Oh yes! The close-up button. That's the one.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Amidst - Photography

What a chance! Walking around in my backyard and to see this feather lying amongst the soil of a plant... it looked pretty spectacular: seemingly blending in with the soil itself.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Fly Thing - Photography

I'd say it's my first capture of a living, moving thing... I had to get so close and just as I got to a really good distance, it flew away! But at least this turned out good!

Pretty Princess - Photography

I ALMOST didn't see this photo. But doesn't matter, I think it deserves to be apart from the rest! My favourite one! She looks so sweet!

Yellow - Photography

I have nothing to say but STUNNING! I was suprised myself. I love the water dew drops that hang in each pedal. I seriously don't know what else to say!

Photogenic Mema - Photography

I don't know what it is, but EVERY TIME I take a photo of this little cutie it always turns out amazing! I probably have posted heaps of photos of her by now but I simply cannot resist! She had come over just generally, wanting me to do her nails (paint them). And then she saw this head accessory that I had - a Melbourne Cup look-ish clip and I thought: 'Let's see how this turns out'. Here are the results. Completely flabbergasted me. I hope she stays photogenic throughout her life. Everyone loves to look good in a photo, don't we?

Old Age Beauty - Photography

A photo of my grandmother pressing her lips together.


Daddy's Favourite Plant - Photography

What a capture! My dad bought these just recently - a newcomer to our garden! Full of colour and sharpness - you do not want to go near them!


Thursday, January 12, 2012

White Rock - Photography

Captured this with no real intention of taking it at a good angle. It turned out pretty awesome! I love how the white rock is just shining through and looks as if it is stuck between. And I like how the white rock overpowers the others - it really sets a scene!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Mark Powell - Artist

Mark Powell is a London-based artist who, with his recent work, has chosen the back of old envelopes as a convas for these delicately rendered portraits of the elderly, using nothing more than a standard Bic Biro pen to create the delicate folds and wrinkles of their skin. I love everything about these works! Absolutely fantastic!

Seashells - Photography

I just love the collection of seashells here. It reminds me of a treasure hunt or something.

Junk - Photography

I'm still trying to figure out if this is an artwork or just random pieces of junk... I took this photo at the 2009 Sculpture by the Sea Exhibition, so that's why I'm curious. It looks more like a random junk pitt to me... what do you think?

Car Accident - Photography

When I went overseas in 2010, on about our second day there, we had a major car incident. It was terrifying! It was the first time I was ever involved in such a major crash. These photos show the impact of the crash. It was a head-on collision with a truck. Apparently, the owner of the truck had an accident a few days or weeks earlier, and the cause was because he had a faulty break. Who drives with a faulty car? Luckily we all got out of there safe and sound. My mother only injured her ankle and heel but that got repaired in the 6 weeks we stayed overseas. My uncle softly injured his neck. I don't know if it's healed or anything. Hopefully it has. That's about all that happened. Don't even ask what the police did... they are so stupid over there. Someone needs to slap them out...

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Peace - Photography

This would be the first EVER photo I took with my SLR camera. And because it turned out to be a great capture, I thought: 'This camera is going to rock my world!'

Coo-Coo Clock - Photography

We've had this coo-coo clock for about 11 years now or so, and it still works! I'm thinking of selling it one day... maybe when it reaches its 20 year peak. Could possibly earn a fortune! You never know... but then again, it's been with us throughout our lives in Australia. Maybe not, then...

Kiss Kiss - Photography

My FAVOURITE picture of all time! Love it! Love it! Love it! It was the day when we went to Stanwell Park. My brother took this photo of me kissing my cute little cousin. Perfect capture! And she was cranky that day... so we were lucky that she smiled for this take!

Inscriptions - Photography

From my two weeks of going to the National Art School last year, I never noticed the detail of the trees near Hyde Park and the Anzac Memorial. It happened to be on the last day when my friend and I were passing quite close near the trees that I noticed. I was astounded! The other thing too was the fact that the trees were white! Completely white! All the trees had little 'love inscriptions' on them - it was like a personal artwork of an artist! I'm glad I spotted this...

Fallen Leaves - Photography

I never noticed this little plant (mini-tree/flower - whatever it is!) in my backyard... absolutely love it! The green colour is vibrant and brings this fresh feeling or look into the plant. Though, it is quite subject to little insects... lots of mini eggs I see... or at least I think they are eggs from insects. Hopefully not spiders or something... But what I like most, is the third photo. I thought it was a good capture. The dead leaves look amazing crumpled and brown - great juxtaposition against the bright green of the plant! (Seems weird calling it a 'plant'... I really have to find out what it is!)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Addams Family - Film

Well, well, well. Looks like there's going to be a new production of 'The Addams Family' by famous director, Tim Burton. Here is an article by Mike Gold on his thoughts about the new production of the Addams Family that is soon to be made. What are your thoughts?

Tim Burton To Tackle Charles Addams?

It was a long, long running series of one-panel cartoons. It was an iconic teevee series. It was subject of two pretty decent movies. It was almost a DC Comic by Mike Baron and Bill Wray. It is the subject of a Broadway play that opened last week to mediocre reviews. And now it looks like The Addams Family will be a Tim Burton movie.

But with a twist. This adaptation will be based upon Charles Addams’s misanthropic cartoons in the New Yorker magazine and not in the spirit of the teevee series. Woo-Hoo!

According to Deadline Hollywood, it isn’t a done deal and Burton and pal Johnny Depp are preparing their version of Dark Shadows. One wouldn’t want Burton to get typecast, right?

Either way, Universal Studios paid for the rights and it’s possible the movie might actually get made. If it winds up being a Burton-less adaptation of the musical I wouldn’t be surprised, although neither Nathan Lane nor Bebe Neuwirth are known as big box office. No matter what, as long as they get the theme song in, I’ll be happy.

Princess - Photography

Nice pose. Nice capture. Right in the moment when I said 'Smile!' She had come over for me to put some make-up on her - her favourites: eye shadow, nail polish (namely, pink), blush and lipstick. I thought, because she look gorgeous, I'd take a few shots of her. This one would be the best. Her eyes have this warmth and honesty in them, this innocence that takes your breath away. This photo seems, to me, like a memory that has been caught before it was forgotten: a memory that is to be cherished and remembered forever. It speaks to you. Shows you the value of youth and love, yes. Always and forever my little Princess!

Heart to Heart - Photography

This photo I took of my two cousins. I especially love the nice jawline of the little one and his lovely stunning green eyes. I love the demanding gaze of both, and the friendly, happy smile of the girl. This photo makes me smile. Hope it makes you smile too!

Fancy Tea? - Photography

Fancy a cup of tea? Reminds me of those old British customs...

Oxford Street - Photography

Who knew a street could be SO long? In the weeks when I had to go to the National Art School in Sydney, I dreaded going up this street! It killed my legs and I just did not like anything presented there. Totally ewww and it made the journey less desirable. Sigh!

Katy Jennings - Artist

I also came across this artist today. Love her work - nice watercolour touches and great sketching! Love the subject matter too!


Clare Scully - Artist

Check out amazing works from Clare Scully! Beautiful complex designs and illustrations that leave you gaping! Absolutely admire her works!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Splash! #2 - Photography

On a day going out to fish, we went to Stanwell Park and on the Bridge to take a little walk and enjoy the wonderful view of the rocks and waves that clashed onto them. It was very lovely and I particularly enjoyed taking these photos. The waves looked marvellous - splashing white against the different shaded rocks. Each splash put a smile on my face. I just loved it! It was harmonious, peaceful, and the colour of the water brought great tranquility. It's worth a drive to that place!